Statement regarding New Rules and Guidelines

After several discussions and team worker the HQ has agreed to establish new rules and guidelines in order to make IR great again.

These rules and guidelines have been published for a few days and are being removed now for reasons!

Read the Statement of IRDX President Jimmy 13IR011 on next page !
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80/15IR664 BOLIVIA – ON AIR –

80/15IR664Philipp 15IR664 is active now from Cochabamba central part of Bolivia.

Will be active until April 5th 2024  “Holiday style”, some info about the setup there in Cochabamba:

TX/RX: Yaesu FT 857D 100W

ANTENNA: Half Wave End Fed coax antenna 

Logged Stations: ITL (in the log)

QSL Manager: 15IR106 Adrian

Standard contribution is needed.

See you in the Pile UP!

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Review International Radio DX fieldday 2022 – Germany

After some years of absence, the German IR-DX crew decided to organize a fieldday meeting again. 

First visitors
The first fieldday visitors from the Netherlands (19IR04 Rob and his wife) and Switzerland (15IR076 Chris and his wife), did arrive as one of the first on friday afternoon. 
Meanwhile the crew was busy with cleaning and building up the side and got some help from the visitors, to get ready for the main fieldday on saturday.

BBQ man

BBQ man

IR and non-IR members
Several (non) members from the area, showed up on fridayevening, to say hello and took a few drinks. 
Under great weather conditions with a clear blue sky and very sunny weather, the fieldday started on saturdaymorning.
More members, including non-members, showed up and we had a lot of nice eyeball QSO contacts.

It was really nice to meet several old friends, who did not see eachother for over 10-20-30 years.

Some “Young Ladies” from the IR-DX group had made some nice cake at home and did share it during the fieldday. At the late saturday afternoon, we had a nice BBQ with several nice salads.
The eyeball QSO contacts, did continue until the end of the evening. On sunday, the fieldday was being faced out, little by little and at the end of the afternoon, it was really ended.

Setup during the 11 WorldWide contest

Transceiver and laptop setup

Fieldday – 11 WW Contest
As we know that the 11 WorldWide contest was running, we decided to use 13IR/HQ as our callsign, instead of 13IR000.
We knew, that we did not announce it in advance, but we did not make a serious plan to be active many hours.
So far, 79 radio contacts could be made, mainly inside Europe, but also with continents Africa and South-America.

Thank you
We would like to thank all people involved with the fieldday organization and all participants to make this event a success after some years again.
Unfortunately one of the organizers was in quarantaine, so unfortunately he and his wife were not able to join us.

Is IR-DX the right choice for you ?

The International Radio DX Group (established in 1994) is not a free of charge radio group. You have to pay once a membership fee, to become a lifetime member of this group.
We are not looking for multi-multicall members (callsign collectors). What we expect, is people who really want to use the IR callsign and want to be involved in the group life.

Also, we are not interested in putting on the air silly activations or useless activations. We better do few, but good activations.

We are a familial radio group, mixing seasoned DXers with beginners …

The group has a lot of "Originals" members, who know each other for years and years and are fully devoted to keeping up the IRDX Spirit !

Le groupe International Radio (crée en 1994) n'est pas un groupe gratuit. Il faut payer une cotisation afin de devenir membre à vie du groupe.
Nous ne recherchons pas de nouveaux membres à n'importe quel prix mais nous attendons de nos membres qu'ils participent à la vie du groupe et qu'ils utilisent majoritairement leur indicatif IR.

Nous ne tenons pas non plus à activer tout et n'importe quoi juste pour faire parler de nous, nous préférons activer des choses quand cela vaut vraiment la peine.

Nous sommes un groupe familial, où se côtoient des DXers confirmés ainsi que des débutants. Nous avons parmi nous un grand nombre d'anciens, qui se connaissent parfois depuis des décennies et s'emploient à préserver l'esprit IR et à assurer sa continuité.