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Category Archives: IR-DX HQ News
Funeral 13IR249 Ralph
Friday 06 december 2024 the funeral of 13IR249 Ralph has taken place in Roth – Germany.
Several IR members and other radio friends were able to give him a dignified farewell, along with Ralph’s relatives and other friends.
On behalf of the IR-DX Group a floral wreath has been laid.
So long, Ralph, Rest in Peace !
If you want to leave a message, please click here
13IR249 Ralph – silent key
Today we have to tell you that our member and good friend Ralph also known as 13IR249 from the city Roth in Germany, suddenly passed away while he was in Asia together with 13IR102 Lars.
Just out before he was active on Asia tour activating several divisions for the 11 meter community.
Many of us know Ralph from the 1980s, when many people started with 11 meter DX.
Ralph was a fine operator and the polite man. The world will miss him.
Our condolences and thoughts are with his family and friends and also to Lars, 13IR102 who was together with him doing an Asia tour.
Rest in Peace Ralph !
If you want to leave a message, please click here
30 Years Anniversary of International Radio DX Group
To celebrate our 30th birthday, we want to be active on the frequencies.
Several members with personal callsign /HB30 will be active, all our clubstations like 15IR000 can use 15IR/HB30
Besides some holidays stations or special station will use e.g. 49IR/HB30
A list of registered members and callsigns will be published on
In the end of 2024 we will print one QSL card and confirm all QSOs on one card.
If you want to participate in HB30 activity, please inform HQ and send us a picture of you and your station, which we can use for QSL card. Besides the logbook need to be sent to HQ.
Duration: until 31.Dec.2024
IR-DX, P.O.Box 48, 91333 Hemhofen, Germany,
Contribution : 0,00 €
Good DX
Following stations will be active in the next time
10IR/HB30 – active december 2024 – Log available
49IR/HB30 – activated between 22-28 october 2024 – Log available
153IR/HB30 – active november 2024 – Log available
3IR/HB30-A + 3IR/HB30-B – active now by 3IR001 and 3IR122
for log please check
3IR/HB30-A 3IR001
3IR/HB30-B 3IR122
3IR/HB30-C 3IR012
Xmas Meeting 2024

Every year the Christ child comes again ……
After absence of a few years, we will organize the Xmas meeting again.
When: 29.11.2024 – 30.11.2024
- 29.Nov.2024:
Visit of the famous Christkindles Market Nürnberg (Nuremberg) - 30.Nov.2024:
Visit of Toy Museum or Museum for industrial culture, Nürnberg (Nuremberg)
Diner at a local restaurant with regional cuisine !!!
IR members and non-members are welcome to join us and have fun.
Registration is requested until 05.Oct.2024 to and/or
In the meantime HQ received a lot of inquiries about QSL and we have learnt that the postal service from and to South America is not the fastest one. Felipe ex 32IR001, XQ7IR (now 32AT111) former Vice President was responsible operator and QSL manager of 80IR/0. As you know Felipe and some other former VPs left the group in April 2024. It seems it was not important to him to care about the QSL management.
The Activation Control Board (ACB) of International Radio DX Group checked the proofs (video, photos, Instagram account “XQ7IR” of 80IR/0 and found out that the shack was located in a hotel named Hostal Inka Thaki, which is located in Colchane, Tarapacá in Chile. That means QTH was not in Bolivia.
Of course, we have asked Felipe about further proofs, but we have just received bad words from him.
We are very sorry for the community, unfortunately we haven´t found out earlier.
ACB and HQ of International Radio DX Group has to declare 80IR/0, dated from 14-20.04.2023 as not valid, just a fake.
Germany, 26.08.2024
Jimmy, 13IR011, President
Gui 14IR162 will be active on the World Islands Festival 2024
Announcement of IRDX President Jimmy 13IR011
International Radio DX Group announces that Ken 47IR042, Felipe 32IR001 and Eduardo 12IR001, former Vice Presidents, are not members anymore. Their behaviour after resignation encouraged us to expel them from the group.
It is obvious that there is only one International Radio DX Group, even if they use their IR callsigns. If you, e.g. the webmasters of other websites need approve of authenticity of any IR-members, just drop a line to IR-DX headquarter.
73 de Jimmy 13IR011
Statement regarding New Rules and Guidelines
Statement of IRDX President Jimmy 13IR011
I would like to thank all involved members for acceptance and support to stop the destruction of IRDX Group. The here published “17 rules” are deleted, because most of them are not conform with IRDX philosophy, what we call “The Spirit.”
Philosophy of IR-DX Group (The Spirit)
The International Radio DX-Group 11m Section
is a family friendly, liberal group of radio operators.
We are open for everybody and respect all others.
Our hobby is DXing and our passion is finding friends around the world.
We want to be a modern, non-profit group with ideas for the future.
We just have a few rules to run the community.
For all IR-DX members, who want to have more rules and strict regulations, we can recommend other DX groups!
We want to stay a non-profit group and we don´t want to force our members to pay a fee every year nor for zero unit-numbers, but we are always open to receive any voluntary amount if you want to support us.
At the moment we don´t see any reason to change anything from the philosophy.
On this point we want to say thank you to Felipe 32IR001, Eduardo 12IR001 and Ken 47IR042 for their work as Vice Presidents, Coordinators/Directors etc. They all give back all their positions voluntary and make the way free for new characters.
At the moment the HQ Team is established as follows:
Rob 19IR04 VP, 13IR102 Lars VP, 15IR076 Chris VP,
Kati 13YL747 HQ Secretary
Jimmy 13IR011 President
Besides IRDX group announces the new Senior Vice Presidents Board:
Daniel 13IR074, Bert 13IR101 (former Vice President), Adrian 15IR106 (former President)
For the future we are looking for original members with spirit who want to be involved with any position in IRDX group. Feel free to contact HQ Team.
Soon we will publish more information about new structures in IRDX group.
73 & good DX de
Jimmy 13IR011
IRDX President 11m section
New HQ Member elected 12IR001 Eduardo
Finally the 5th HQ member has been elected.
We are very proud to introduce Eduardo 12IR001 as HQ and Vice President of our Group.
Eduardo has a great career as Dx´er and a very active IR member, now has been arrive to work with the HQ representing South America continent, with this new member the board of 5 VP´s is complete again.
We are working to make IRDX GROUP great again!