Preview 237IR/0 QSL

A 100% valid activation from Lars, 13IR102, who returned back to Germany and confirming QSL’s now.
He informed us, that he is planning to return to Asia in the first half of 2024.

Statistics so far :
– 581 QSO’s logged
– into 50 DXCC from 6 continents

Calls from AT: 290, SD: 63, IR: 31, DA: 18, EK: 17, RC: 16, DX. 12, LR: 12 plus rest other calls.

Lars, P.o. Box 1410, 91142 Roth, Germany
2US$ / 2€ Contribution for each
(Free for IRDX Members!)

IR-DX HB20 status

IR-DX 2014 HB20 status
All “direct QSL” requests (ex: 250IR/HB20, 76IR, 218IR etc) have been answered.
Now, the special COLLECTOR trifold (triple) QSL has been designed and paid (TNX to the VPs for help!).
This QSL will be for HB20 hunters who sent their log.
Please allow 2 months delay for printing delays, sending delay, challenge results etc. etc.

Enjoy !

UPDATE 12/05/2015: QSL printed – on the way to 14IR017



125IR/DX QSL management

The QSL management of 125IR/DX is finished so far and over 550 QSLs are posted in the meantime.

Even the inquires with special treatment e.g. asking for another QSL are ready now.

We will mail the envelopes in the end of 2013 all together.

If you are missing your confirmation, please send me an email.

If you are not sure about your entry in the log, or want to send your QSL for the first time, please check the logbook of 125IR/DX on our website before. See above !!!

Please do not send QSL a second time, better send me an email before.

Please do not send registered letters, this cost you a lot of money and brings trouble all the time.

I hope you like the double QSL and it finds a nice place in your collection.

73 de Jimmy 13IR011 ( 13ir011 @