Preview 237IR/0 QSL

A 100% valid activation from Lars, 13IR102, who returned back to Germany and confirming QSL’s now.
He informed us, that he is planning to return to Asia in the first half of 2024.

Statistics so far :
– 581 QSO’s logged
– into 50 DXCC from 6 continents

Calls from AT: 290, SD: 63, IR: 31, DA: 18, EK: 17, RC: 16, DX. 12, LR: 12 plus rest other calls.

Lars, P.o. Box 1410, 91142 Roth, Germany
2US$ / 2€ Contribution for each
(Free for IRDX Members!)

14IR017 QSL management

Getting tangled in the snail mailFor your information, all QSL requests received as of today (25/11/2016) have been answered.

I have no more pending QSL requests for:

328IR/CI082 , 328IR/CRO109, 328IR/CRO188, 14IR/FFF293, 14IR/67002R and 109IR/NU001.

It is not too late to request your QSL !



M. Régis




Contributions accepted :  $, €, IRC, timbres au tarif en vigueur

Thank you for using UTC time !

PSE do not forget to send a SAE or a sticker.

BTW: I still have many QSL from last 5 years on stock (68XXXR IWI, 250IR/HB20, 50IR010 Victor, 10IR/BC, 10IR/COA, 30IR Basquian IWI – LOTA tour etc). PSE contact me for availability if you need some "old" card.