30 Years Anniversary of International Radio DX Group

To celebrate our 30th birthday, we want to be active on the frequencies.

 Several members with personal callsign /HB30 will be active, all our clubstations like 15IR000 can use 15IR/HB30

Besides some holidays stations or special station will use e.g. 49IR/HB30 

A list of registered members and callsigns will be published on www.irdx.org

 In the end of 2024 we will print one QSL card and confirm all QSOs on one card.

 If you want to participate in HB30 activity, please inform HQ and send us a picture of you and your station, which we can use for QSL card. Besides the logbook need to be sent to HQ.

 Duration: until  31.Dec.2024


IR-DX, P.O.Box 48, 91333 Hemhofen, Germany, headquarter@irdx.org

 Contribution : 0,00 €

 Good DX

Following stations will be active in the next time



Xmas Meeting 2024

Every year the Christ child comes again ……

After absence of a few years, we will organize the Xmas meeting again.

When: 29.11.2024 – 30.11.2024

29.Nov.2024:       Visit of Christkindles Market Nürnberg (Nuremberg)

30.Nov.2024:       Visit of Toy Museum or Museum for industrial culture, Nürnberg                                        (Nuremberg)

                            Diner at a local restaurant with regional cuisine

IR members and non-members are welcome to join us and have fun.

Registration is requested until 05.Oct.2024 to hq@irdx.de and/or 13yl747@irdx.de.


IRDX Germany field day 2024 meeting soon

You are invited to join the German IR-DX Fieldday 2024. This year it will be held between July 19th and 21st. The main day will be saturday 20th !

Have nice eye-ball QSO’s with members and non-members and join the BBQ.

There will be some activity also to celebrate the 30st anniversary of the IR-DX Group.

Listen out or join our Big Event between Nuremberg and Roth.If you want to visit us, sent us an e-mail for more information and let us know, if you want to participate with the BBQ, so we can calculate how much we need to arrange all.

IR-DX Fieldday 2023

Any plans for the last weekend of July 2023? No?

Then consider to join the IR-DX Fieldday 2023 held in Switzerland during the weekend of 28, 29, 30 of July.

We like to invite you to visit the IR-DX Fieldday, where IR-DX members and non-members do meet eachother and spent a nice and relaxing weekend with or without radio and have some face to face chatting, enjoy the beautiful area and during the evening, BBQ-ing.
Last years fieldday was being held in Roth – Germany where many “old and new members” showed up again after absence of some years and had a great weekend together.

Please register before 21 July,
so we can calculate what we need to prepare.


Join the 11 World Wide Contest

This contest event is taking place every 3rd full weekend of July and to create more activity, all IR-members are invited to take part in the Eleven World Wide Contest.

Even if you are not a member of any 11 meters DX Group, you are welcome to take part in this free of charge event.

The contest starts at 00:00 UTC on Saturday and ends at 23.:59 UTC on Sunday, so a totally duration of 48 hours. You are free to decide, how long you like to take part of course.
CQ 11 World Wide ContestPlease let us know, if you join the contest, by sending an e-mail to : headquarter@irdx.org

For more information, rules, software etc., please go to the website : https://www.cq11ww.org

 Announced IR-DX participants :  
30IR103 13IR/HQ (13IR000 team) 32IR001
13IR121 19IR004 12IR001  

Inform yourself about the Law and regulations for 11 meter band. IR-DX Group takes no responsibilities in which way members using their RTX, transceivers or other radio equipment.


Review International Radio DX fieldday 2022 – Germany

After some years of absence, the German IR-DX crew decided to organize a fieldday meeting again. 

First visitors
The first fieldday visitors from the Netherlands (19IR04 Rob and his wife) and Switzerland (15IR076 Chris and his wife), did arrive as one of the first on friday afternoon. 
Meanwhile the crew was busy with cleaning and building up the side and got some help from the visitors, to get ready for the main fieldday on saturday.

BBQ man

BBQ man

IR and non-IR members
Several (non) members from the area, showed up on fridayevening, to say hello and took a few drinks. 
Under great weather conditions with a clear blue sky and very sunny weather, the fieldday started on saturdaymorning.
More members, including non-members, showed up and we had a lot of nice eyeball QSO contacts.

It was really nice to meet several old friends, who did not see eachother for over 10-20-30 years.

Some “Young Ladies” from the IR-DX group had made some nice cake at home and did share it during the fieldday. At the late saturday afternoon, we had a nice BBQ with several nice salads.
The eyeball QSO contacts, did continue until the end of the evening. On sunday, the fieldday was being faced out, little by little and at the end of the afternoon, it was really ended.

Setup during the 11 WorldWide contest

Transceiver and laptop setup

Fieldday – 11 WW Contest
As we know that the 11 WorldWide contest was running, we decided to use 13IR/HQ as our callsign, instead of 13IR000.
We knew, that we did not announce it in advance, but we did not make a serious plan to be active many hours.
So far, 79 radio contacts could be made, mainly inside Europe, but also with continents Africa and South-America.

Thank you
We would like to thank all people involved with the fieldday organization and all participants to make this event a success after some years again.
Unfortunately one of the organizers was in quarantaine, so unfortunately he and his wife were not able to join us.

11M & PMR Field day 2022

Registration for the Field Day 2022 is now open.
This year there is only one two-day session, on the weekend of 25-26 June 2022.
If you have time, radio equipment that hasn’t left your radio room for a long time, this is a good opportunity, the first thing you need to find is a place to set up for a few hours, then find an antenna that is well tuned, a charged battery or an electric generator and 12 volt power supply and your transceiver.
Feel free to read the rules of this activity and to register
If you wish to participate as an IR operator, don’t forget to use the forms available on https://www.irdx.org/useful-forms/ so that the HQ can grant you the callsign you need to use but above all to get the information.

11M & PMR Field day 2021

The first part of the 11m & PMR field day takes place this weekend.
Here is the list of participants:
You can find IR members in frequency with the following callsigns:
14IR/FD033 with 14IR102 Mickael
14IR/FD079 with 14IR181 Marc

Surprising not to have more activity from the members but once again thanks to these two French members who are once again the most active.