Announcement of IRDX President Jimmy 13IR011

International Radio DX Group announces that Ken 47IR042, Felipe 32IR001 and Eduardo 12IR001, former Vice Presidents, are not members anymore. Their behaviour after resignation encouraged us to expel them from the group.

It is obvious that there is only one International Radio DX Group, even if they use their IR callsigns. If you, e.g. the webmasters of other websites need approve of authenticity of any IR-members, just drop a line to IR-DX headquarter.

73 de Jimmy 13IR011


Sad news for 11 meter community

Information received us, that the founder of the Alfa Tango DX Group, 1AT001 Aldo, passed away after staying a while in the hospital.

Several members of IR-DX Group, were member of the Alfa Tango in the past and have known Aldo.

On behalf of the entire IR-DX Group, we like to express our deepest condoleances to the family, relatives and friends and wish them all strength with processing this great loss.

Rest in Peace Aldo

International Radio DX Group Headquarter


2019 Devon LOTA tour

“IRDX” Lighthouse Challenge, May 2019
4 Lighthouses Activated, 1 Every Sunday.
Berry Head, Teignmouth, Start Point, Brixham Harbour Lighthouses.
Callsigns & Dates:
5th May 2019, Berry Head – 26IR/ENG 007 
12th May 2019, Teignmouth – 26IR/ENG 153
19th May 2019, Start Point – 26IR/ENG 148
26th May 2019, Brixham – 26IR/ENG 016
(Should propagation be a problem, these dates could change or be repeated later in June, post will be updated appropriately)
1st prize – Silver Plated Engraved Lighthouse Spoon For The First Operator To Work All 4 Lighthouses, you must live outside of Devon of course!!!
2nd Prize – 2nd Operator To Work All 4 Lighthouses – 2 x South Point Lighthouse, Barbados coins, 1979 and 2010.
3rd Prize – 3rd Operator To Work All 4 Lighthouses – Lighthouse Keyring.
Good Luck!
Full Colour Qsl Confirmation Available – Images To Follow:
There will be “one special” full colour qsl for all lighthouses, to help all operators, rather than 4 separate confirmations making contributions excessive.
Please do not send your qsl request or contribution until the lighthouse tour has finished, many thanks.
Qsl Address For Standard Post, 
(2usd Plus Self Addressed Envelope)
Please Request Address Via:
Paypal: 2.5 Euros, (Sent as a gift) to….
(You MUST leave a note with your PayPal payment giving the callsign you used for the logs and your address for mailing)
If for some reason you do not appear in the log your contribution will be returned.

IRDX: 25 years together !

2019 is almost knocking at the door, it means, our 25th anniversary is coming soon !

On March the 13th 2019, our beloved International Radio DX Group will celebrate it’s 25th birthday … 25 years on the DX scene, 25 years of friendship, meetings, activities. 25 years of love for 11 meters band.

For this event, we need ALL IR members to help, to be active, to promote the group …  More information to come …

Please feel free to contact HQ, if you have ideas or Projects ! TNX !

R2019 approche, ce qui signifie que nous sommes tout prêts de notre 25 anniversaire !

Le 13 mars 2019, notre cher groupe IR va célébrer ses 25 ans ! 25 ans d’activations, de meetings, d’amitié … 25 ans d’amour pour la bande des 11 mètres.

A cette occasion, nous aurons besoin que TOUS les membres IR nous aident, soient actif et fassent la promotion du groupe … Plus d’informations à venir …

Si vous avez des idées, projets, manifestez vous auprès du HQ ! Merci !

News from Philippines

The QSL-manager of 79IR101 Seth, received latest information from Seth, that he and his family are in good condition after the deadly typhoon Hayan passed the Philippines last week and devastated mainly the east part.

The typhoon crossed the north part of Negros island.

On behalf of the entire IR-DX Group, we pass our condoleances to those who lost family members.

May they rest in Peace.

AA-54 RigExpert overview

Hi all,

Just received new tool to improve radio station! the new antenna analyzer from Rig Expert which will give you all parameters from your vertical or horizontal antenna:


Frequency range: AA-30: 0.1 to 30 MHz, AA-54: 0.1 to 54 MHz

Frequency entry: 1 kHz resolution

SWR measurement range: 1 to 10
SWR measurement for 50 and 75-Ohm systems
SWR display: numerical or easily-readable bar
R and X range: 0…1000, -1000…1000 in numerical mode, 0…200, -200…200 in graph mode

Display modes:
– SWR at single or multiple (AA-54 only) frequencies
– SWR, R, X, Z, L, C at single frequency
– SWR graph, 100 points
– R, X graph, 100 points

RF output:
– Connector type: UHF (SO-239)
– Output signal shape: rectangular, 0.1…10 MHz (AA-30) or 0.1…10.8 MHz (AA-54). For higher frequencies, third or fifth (AA-54) harmonics are used.
– Output power: about + 13 dBm (at 50 Ohm load)

– Two 1.5V, alcaline batteries, type AA *
– Two 1.2V, 1800…2700 mA·h, Ni-MH batteries, type AA *
– Max. 3 hours of continuous measurement, max. 2 days in stand-by mode when fully charged batteries are used
– When the analyzer is connected to a PC or a DC adapter with USB socket, it takes power from these sources

– 128×64 graphical backlit LCD
– 6×3 keys on the water-proof keypad
– AA-54: multilingual menus and help screens, AA-30:menus and help screens in English language
– USB connection to a personal computer

Dimensions: 22·10·3.6 cm (9·4·1.5”);

Operating temperature: 0…40 °C (32…104 °F)

Weight (including batteries): 400g (14 Oz)

* Ni-MH batteries are not included with the analyzer. Users can purchase these batteries with a corresponding charging adapter.

Let’s have a look here:

For example , I realised some technical measures of my Home made 4 elements Moxon designed by Dave*30DA016 (  ) which is at 7m off the ground and we see that I have to reduce the dimensions of each elements to have a new central frequency nearly around the 27.555Mhz.


For this test, the best is to be the closest as possible from the antenna, but in this quick overview, I made the measurements from the shack.

Results may vary depending on the length of coaxial cable you have.

I did some tests on some home made verticals and in this case, I did not see much difference between the results outside and inside shack (maybe in this case coaxial line didn’t change really the characteristics). Anyway, the best would be to connect the AA-54 with a short coax. to the antenna!

photo 5

The main menu of the analyzer

*First measure: 27.555Mhz

photo 1photo 4

So the SWR is correct but R value is not really at 50 ohms so I think it will be interesting to try reducing the size of antenna to be nearly perfectly tuned around 27.555Mhz

photo 3photo 2


You can locate the central frequency with the buttons on top of keyboard and we see that the frequency which you can find R=50 ohms is around 27.389Mhz , so next step could be to reduce all antenna dimensions and see the the results..! 😉

Let’s wait spring or summer time to test it really ! More to come soon!

Stay tuned!
