30IR IWI tour in progress

Lasts days, 3 Inland Waterways Islands in Biscay were activated, as “new one” on 11m.
Comment from the operator:
”Characteristics of theses 3 islands/rock are that, even if they are officially listed as IWI, they are located near the Atlantic ocean, and so, like any coastal Islands /rocks, they are affected by low /high tide…As of today, a bunch of “islands hunters” already worked me on all 3 islands/rock, so thanks to them, as well as the other ones, for their interest. I’ll be sporadically active again from these locations till April. Bests 73, cu on the air” ….

Reminder: Wait end of April 2015 before sending any logs entries and Qsl request! (to 14IR017)
(We expect multiple re-activations of these 3 ones, and maybe more to come till then)






13IR114 Matt informed us that he will be 3 weeks active from Ruegen Island, EU-057.

QSL via : Matt – P.O.Box: 746 – 24751 – Rendsburg – Germany

Contribution is voluntary !