
Term of conditions for forming and running an IRDX Clubstation (..IR/000)

  • A callsign for a clubstation must be obtained by IR-DX HQ first !
  • There must be one named member operator, who is responsible for the correct running of the clubstation.
  • A minimum of 3 IR operators (including YL-members, part of the IR-DX Group) are accepted, to start the activity with the clubstation callsign.
    As far as radiotraffic concerns, the YL is obliged to participate as operator, so that it is not to be meant to allow the /000 activity to take place.
    An accurate paper or digital log (for example : .CSV/.ADIF) must be kept.
    The use of a progressive number system will be prefered
  • The Log must be signed by at least three (3) of the operators present.
  •  An IR clubstation does not ask for contribution. Contribution is voluntary.
  • The Operators of the Clubstation may indicate during the activation, that a “voluntary contribution is appreciated”.
  • After each activity of the clubstation, the persons in charge, must sent a copy of the paper or digital log, to the headoffice, so that an E-qsl can be prepared for each operator upon request.

Excisting IRDX Clubstations :

13IR000 15IR000 19IR000