Received information from 32IR001 Felipe about  3IR012 Robson, that he will be active with the callsign 3IR/CC to celebrate 90th anniversary of the city Coincencao do Coité, situated in the state of Bahia, Brazil.

He starts to use the callsign from June 26th until July 15th 2023.

QSL via 3IR012

Self Addressed Envelope en standard contribution is requested.
For member of IR-Group, only S.A.E. is requested and no contribution.


14IR/LBC (Lorraine basin coalfields) will be active by 14IR137 Harald between 22 July 2022 & 31 december 2022.
Harald is an old minor and want to do something for IRDX Group, but no way to him to do a portable activity due his age and health.
IRDX Group don’t issue many SES callsign but we understand that some people can’t be active outside radioshack and we hope his SES will be successful.
Qsl via 14IR137
Adam Harald 112 A rue des romains 57800 Freyming Merlebach France.
Voluntary contribution