20IR/GI & 20IR/R

30.06. till 03.07.
20IR/GI = Gurskoy Island and 20IR/RI = Runde Island (both EU079)
by 13IR105 Tommy

2 EU/US contribution + SAE, (No PayPal)
It’s necessary to send your QSL card(s)
Also included are Tommys other activations: 21IR/EU020, 212IR/0, 21/13IR105, 20/13IR105

IR members do not have to pay a contribution

Please send the envelope with your QSL, SAE and contribution to:
Tommy, Po Box 1410, 91142 Roth, Germany

IRDX Germany field day 2024 meeting soon

You are invited to join the German IR-DX Fieldday 2024. This year it will be held between July 19th and 21st. The main day will be saturday 20th !

Have nice eye-ball QSO’s with members and non-members and join the BBQ.

There will be some activity also to celebrate the 30st anniversary of the IR-DX Group.

Listen out or join our Big Event between Nuremberg and Roth.If you want to visit us, sent us an e-mail for more information and let us know, if you want to participate with the BBQ, so we can calculate how much we need to arrange all.